About Kappa Alpha
In the early 30’s a group of Omega men saw a need to come together in an effort to provide service to the community of York, Chester, and Lancaster counties. They knew by follow the Cardinals Principals of Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance and Uplift and the implied motto “Lifting as we climb, they could make a difference.
Thus on May 9th, 1935 The Kappa Alpha Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc was born. During the 23rd National Conclave in Atlanta, GA. Grand Basileus Brother Lawrence A. Oxley, 1933-1935, presented the chapter with their Charter.
The Chartering members were:
- Brother James A Castle,
- Brother Dr. Dewey Duckett
- Brother Joe Jones
- Brother Leon Stanback
- Brother Wade H. Witherspoon, Sr.
- Brother Issac Wright
- Brother L.S. Brown
- Brother Alton J. Johnson, Sr.
- Brother E.L. McPherson
- Brother Dudley M. Zimmerman
Upon the receipt of the chapter, Sixth District Representative Brother S. Herbert Adams, Charlotte, NC, attended the chartering ceremony and inducted the first chapter officers. They were as follows:
- Brother D.M. Zimmerman – Basileus
- Brother Dewey M. Duckett – Vice Basileus
- Brother Wade H. Witherspoon – Keeper of Records & Seal
- Brother I. N. Wright – Keeper of Finance
- Brother Joe Jones – Chaplin
- Brother L.S. Brown – Chapter Reporter
- Brother A.L. Stanback – Keeper of Peace
In 1939, Brother Dr. Dewey Duckett was the 6th elected Sixth District Representative, which consist of Brothers living in North and South Carolina. He served until 1941. Brother Duckett continued his stellar work in Omega by Co-Founding the Talent Hunt Program.
The Talent Hunt program of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. is one of several national programs designed to identify and support the youth of our nation and the world. The original idea was created by Brother J. Austin Atkins of Winston Salem, North Carolina, and Brother Dewey Duckett of Rock Hill, South Carolina. While the idea was conceived in 1945, the first District Talent Hunt program was held in the Sixth District in Charlotte, North Carolina, on April 19, 1946. The need for such a program was born out of the unequal opportunity afforded to some American youth to develop and give full expression to their talents.
The original statement of the Talent Hunt idea included this expression: “Creative and outstanding capacities in any honorable activity should be eligible for consideration.” During public presentations, all original displays were limited to the field of music. Since that time, the Talent Hunt program has been expanded to include other forms of the expressive arts.
In 1953, Brother J. Austin Atkins, and Brother Dewey Duckett, Co – Chaired the first National Talent Hunt Committee and presented the first National Talent Hunt program as an integral part of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Grand Conclave held in Cincinnati, Ohio. The Talent Hunt is now one of our 10 National Mandated Programs.
In the 1970’s The Brothers of Lancaster left Kappa Alpha to form Kappa Pi Chapter.
The Kappa Alpha Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., takes an active role within the Rock Hill and Chester communities by participating in Adopt-A-Highway, Assault on Illiteracy, Rolling-N-Rock Hill, Dr. Charles Drew Blood Drive; Foundations Mentoring Program, Weed & Seed Program, and other local events; as well as provide the following scholarships: Sixth District Boys Leadership Summer Camp, Dr. Dewey Duckett Talent Hunt, Wade Witherspoon, Sr. Essay scholarships.
The Kappa Alpha Chapter is proud of its rich history of service to the York and Chester County communities for 80 years.